Philips High Speed Blender With Juicer Module HR3770/00 – New Tokyo Electronics Skip to content
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Philips High Speed Blender With Juicer Module HR3770/00

Regular price Rs.62,000.00 Sale price Rs.80,999.00

Create a wide range of textures with the revolutionary jar design and integrated filter system of the Philips Flip & Juice Blender. From clear and pulpy juices to silky smoothies and chunky nut-butters, this blender has got you covered. Keep your family satisfied with endless options.

Philips HR3770/00
Pro Blend Ultra Technology
Clear and pulpy juices with Flip & Juice Technology
Pro Blend Ultra motor for optimal ingredient flow
Pro Blend Ultra jar guiding ingredients back to flow
Pro Blend Ultra blades for the optimal texture
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